Retro Game Collecting

Write By: admin Published In: Retro Game News Created Date: 2017-02-11 Hits: 7652

Retro Game Collecting. How to Start Doing it The Right Way.

If you are one of those who love retro games and ever want to start retro game collecting, then we’re here to help you! We’ll show you some of the ways you can start retro game collecting today. Not only will we teach you how but we’ll also give you tips on how to do it the right way! A little bit of reminder though that this can be a bit expensive, obviously. So you want to make sure you’re not on a tight budget and wear that determination.


First of all, make a checklist to guide you on your journey. Here is the checklist you might need:

  • Focus on what type of video games and memorabilia you want to collect or love the most. There are hundreds of them. Sure you don’t want to jump one from the other because they’re more compelling and end up empty handed or worst, buying the wrong one. It will be useful if you use spreadsheet for this and add some columns for your researched price at different suppliers/sellers.


  • Know what to look for and prioritize. Are you more concerned on the condition? The functionality maybe? Or opt for a brand new one? Set your priority. This way, it’ll be easier to evaluate the item. Just to remind you though that good package comes good price so it’s better to consider your budget.


  • Set your budget. How much can you spend for a title/game? Write it on your spreadsheet. It will surely help you through.


  • Make use of the internet. Be part of the retro games community. Here, you can have a good idea what retro game collecting can be worth. You’re ignorance will be costly so ask the experts!


  • Ask around in your friends and family circle. They might have them and don’t give it any value. You’ll surely get a good deal from them or get it free? You may also want to take advantage of the occasions such as birthdays, thanksgivings and Christmas. If your family or friends asks you what gift to have, give them a clue or even give them an idea where to buy them!


  • Garage sale. It is apparent that you can get lesser price from a garage sale. Just be friendly and sensitive when dealing with them. You know how it would feel to sell out your items for good.


This is a simple checklist to help your retro game collecting enjoyable rather than a pain. And in case you’re wondering where to get them for brand new, which is better than used, you’re in the right page. Give yourself the freedom to browse over and have a great shopping and collecting experience!

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